It’s like the old adage says, “Actions speak louder than words.” It’s easy to say words, but it’s far less easy to make them come into fruition. Words without actions are like an empty box...
8/29/13 Today’s Top 3 Things I Would Like to Tell My Daughter Going into Adulthood: 1. There are always going to be people out there who want to “push your buttons”. Don’t let them. And...
8/28/2013 Today’s Top 3 Things I Would Like to Tell My Daughter Going into Adulthood: 1. Enjoy old traditions, but continually make new ones with new people. Hopefully you’ll always remember all of our traditions;...
Hear ye, hear ye, Gallant Girls! We have a NEW Official Gallant Girls Icon Contest contestant! Meet Skylar and her interpretation of what our Gallant Girl “mascot” should be: “I love art! My favorite artist...