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Much too often it is much too easy to forget that a PERSON is someone’s child, sister, aunt, wife, or mother when we’re catcalling, name-calling, slut-shaming, objectifying, ridiculing, poking fun, or bullying. No matter who...
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No matter what happens in your adult life — no matter what hardships you suffer, what wrongs have been done onto you, or if someone disappoints and becomes an absent or deadbeat parent — don’t...
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Letting your sons play with baby dolls will NOT make them feminine or homosexual — it will make them potentially hands-on fathers someday. There is no reason a new father should have to be taught...
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Your body is beautiful JUST THE WAY IT IS because it has the power to procreate another human being. Whether or not you’re going to be a mother someday, you’re a mother now, someone else...
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