Hear ye, hear ye, Gallant Girls! We have a NEW Official Gallant Girls Icon Contest contestant! Meet Skylar and her interpretation of what our Gallant Girl “mascot” should be:
“I love art! My favorite artist is Leonardo Di Vinci but my favorite painting is by Van Gogh ‘Starry Night‘. I like to play soccer and my favorite food is Thai food. The character in my artwork is on a mountain watching over the people below. She is the captain of all warriors and fights against racism, bullying, and for basic human rights. (Wow! Did 10-year-old Skylar just say that?!). Gallant to me means being brave and that your not afraid of anything. Nothing can stop you and you never give up.” ~ Skylar, age 10
Everyone give Skyler a virtual round of applause; she is evidently one gallant girl and a half! Thank you for sending in your submission, and your wonderful description of your character + very well-stated articulation of what it means to be “Gallant”. I am impressed, not to mention honored to now know you. And it’s very clear to me that I don’t have to tell YOU this, but remember: “Not strong for a girl, just strong!”
~ Heather Angelika
Founder/Owner of Gallant Girls
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